sear artinya
pengucapan: [ siə ] audio:
- seaquake: gempa laut
- seaport: pelabuhan; pelabuhan pantai; pangkalan
- search: memeriksa; mencari; menggeledah; menyelidiki; pencarian; penggeledahan; selidiki; menyeluk; menelaah; gelintar; riset; merunjang; menelusuri; merisik; pemeriksaan; teliti; m?ntyari; permintaan; gele
- seaplane tender: kapal induk pesawat laut
- search (band): search; search (kumpulan muzik)
- seaplane: pesawat amphibi; pesawat terbang laut; kapal terbang laut; kapal terbang
- search (south korean tv series): search (seri televisi)
- seans potato business|dna: asam deoksiribonukleat; dna
- search algorithm: algoritme pencarian
- Constitution of the Roman Republic Sear, David R.
Konstitusi Republik Romawi ^ Sear, David R. - Hi, this is Lynn Sear, Cole's mom.
Hai, aku Lynn Sear, Ibunya Cole. - Black velvet with Lurex stitching Auto sear covers
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- cause to wither or parch from exposure to heat; "The sun parched the earth"
Sinonim: parch, - make very hot and dry; "The heat scorched the countryside"
Sinonim: scorch, - burn slightly and superficially so as to affect color; "The cook blackened the chicken breast"; "The fire charred the ceiling above the mantelpiece"; "the flames scorched the ceiling"
Sinonim: char, blacken, scorch, - become superficially burned; "my eyebrows singed when I bent over the flames"
Sinonim: scorch, singe, Kata sifat - (used especially of vegetation) having lost all moisture; "dried-up grass"; "the desert was edged with sere vegetation"; "shriveled leaves on the unwatered seedlings"; "withered vines"
Sinonim: dried-up, sere, shriveled, shrivelled, withered,