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sensors artinya

contoh kalimat "sensors"
  • Alpha, my sensors tell me the Rangers were too late.
    sensor saya mengatakan Rangers sudah terlambat.
  • Sensors are picking up intermittent gamma and thermal emissions.
    Pemindai menangkap pancaran sinar gamma dan panas.
  • And how did it get by the pathogen sensors?
    Dan bagaimana caranya itu melewati sensor pathogen?
  • But all the sensors up there are burned out.
    Tetapi semua sensor di sana terbakar habis.
  • 0.2 mil surface compression on bow sensors, captain.
    Tekanan 0.2 mil pada permukaan sensor busur, kapten.
  • Ah, the station's motion sensors have picked you up.
    Ah, gerak stasiun sensor telah menjemput Anda.
  • I checked the motion sensors on the alarm system.
    Aku memeriksa sensor gerakan pada sistem alarmnya.
  • Go-7, I need your sensors in those coordinates.
    Code 7 aku butuh sensor di koordinat tersebut.
  • [ KITT ] Michael, my sensors indicate we have company.
    [Kitt] Michael, sensor saya menunjukkan kami perusahaan.
  • The neuronal sensors are correct, because it works.
    Sensor Neuronal benar, karena bekerja dengan baik.
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