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shingles artinya

contoh kalimat "shingles"
  • Got the shingles real bad senior year.
    Punya herpes zoster senior tahun yang buruk nyata.
  • Number two, patch the shingles on the barn roof,
    Nomor dua, patch herpes zoster di atap lumbung,
  • Your shingles are all ruffled... and your windows are cracked.
    Atapmu berantakan dan jendelamu retak.
  • Now, would you kindly hand me those shingles?
    Sekarang, bisa kau berikan papan itu ?
  • Why are we still losing shingles off the heat shield?
    Kenapa kita masih kehilangan penutup pelindung panas?
  • Mother Abbess just quit because she got shingles!
    Ibu Abbess keluar karena penyakit encok-nya!
  • "Cardiac shingles" are toast with lots of butter.
    "Tile" adalah roti panggang, yang sangat banyak mentega dan kentang goreng..
  • Shingles wouldn't be flying off the heat shield now, would they?
    Penutup tidak akan lepas dari pelindung panas, kan.
  • And wait till you're sitting pretty with a case of Andorian shingles.
    Dan tunggu sampai kau mendapat gejala penyakit Andorian.
  • Without candy, I'm afraid your house is a bull's-eye with shingles.
    Tanpa permen, aku khawatir rumahmu akan menjadi sasaran semua itu.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • eruptions along a nerve path often accompanied by severe neuralgia
    Sinonim: herpes zoster, zoster,