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shuck artinya

pengucapan: [ ʃʌk ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: shucked   kata kerja past continuous: shucked   kata kerja present continuous: shucking   
contoh kalimat "shuck"
  • shubunkin:    panda moor
  • shucks:    busyet; babi; tampal; monyet; beruk; anak haram; celaka; bangsat; setan
  • shudder:    gementar; menggigil; rasa ngeri; atau; atau takut; gigilan akibat ngeri; menggigil karena nyeri; muak; gelugut; geletar; geligis; gemelugut; menggigis; debaran; perasaan; menggeligis; menggecarkan;
  • shuddered:    gemetaran
  • I sentenced myself to hard labor shucking oysters.
    Aku menghukum diriku sendiri bekerja kerja mengupas tiram.
  • Either of you ladies need your oyster shucked?
    Ada dari kalian yang mau pengejut tiram?
  • Pull it towards you like you're shucking corn.
    Tarik ke arahmu seperti kau mengupas jagung.
  • Tall tales of Old Shuck roaming the woods.
    Kisah tentang Old Shuck berkeliaran di hutan.
  • Yeah, I shuck my own oysters.
    Ya , saya mengupas tiram saya sendiri .
  • Shucking and jiving. He knows exactly who you are.
    Dia tahu persis siapa kau.
  • Have you ever, uh- you ever shucked an oyster?
    Pernahkah Anda , uh - Anda pernah shucked tiram ?
  • I would love to shuck some oysters with you.
    Aku akan senang untuk mengupas beberapa tiram dengan Anda .
  • Then, at daylight we're gonna light a shuck outta here.
    Kemudian, saat siang hari kami akan pergi dari sini.
  • Shuck the blocker, don't tote him!
    Dorong si penghalang, jangan dipanggul!
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4
    Kata benda
  • material consisting of seed coverings and small pieces of stem or leaves that have been separated from the seeds
    Sinonim: chaff, husk, stalk, straw, stubble,

  • Kata kerja
  • remove the shucks from; "shuck corn"

  • remove from the shell; "shuck oysters"