Masuk Daftar

shuttle artinya

pengucapan: [ 'ʃʌtl ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: shuttled   kata kerja past continuous: shuttled   kata benda plural: shuttles   kata kerja present continuous: shuttling   
contoh kalimat "shuttle"
  • They slaughtered 23 people and jumped a shuttle.
    Mereka membantai 23 orang dan melompati sebuah pesawat.
  • I don't have a command crew for the shuttle.
    Aku tak punya kru untuk kapal tersebut.
  • Shuttle Tydirium deactivation of the shield will commence immediately.
    Pesawat Tydirium penonaktifan perisai akan segera dimulai.
  • The astronauts will be flying the shuttle all by themselves.
    Para astronot akan menerbangkan sendiri pesawatnya.
  • The shuttle can't survive reentry. - No.
    Pesawatnya ... tidak bisa bertahan masuk kembali ke atmosfer.
  • Vicky, it's not a space shuttle launch. It's sex.
    Vicky, ini bukan peluncuran roket, ini seks.
  • Still tied to the shuttle at 42,000 feet.
    Masih terikat di pesawat pada ketinggian 42.000 kaki.
  • So remember those goodies I packed into your shuttle?
    Apa kau ingat beberapa "Barang" yang ku-pungut?
  • We're making meth here, all right? Not space shuttles.
    Kita buat meth disini, bukan pesawat ulang-alik.
  • Shuttle company said it was a nonstop trip.
    Perusahaan Shuttle mengatakan itu adalah perjalanan tanpa henti.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • bobbin that passes the weft thread between the warp threads

  • public transport that consists of a bus or train or airplane that plies back and forth between two points

  • badminton equipment consisting of a ball of cork or rubber with a crown of feathers
    Sinonim: shuttlecock, bird, birdie,

  • Kata kerja
  • travel back and forth between two points