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sicken artinya

pengucapan: [ 'sikn ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "sicken"
  • You sicken me. Yes, well, that's why we're getting a divorce.
    Itu sebabnya kita bercerai.
  • This doesn't change the fact that you still sicken me.
    Ini tak mengubah fakta bahwa kau membuatku muak.
  • Will sicken within the hour and die by daybreak.
    Akan jatuh sakit dalam waktu sejam dan mati pada saat fajar.
  • They sicken, decay and die.
    Mereka memuakkan, berhati busuk dan mati.
  • 1037, you sicken me.
    1037, kau membuatku sesak.
  • Of pathogens, fungi or other agents which may sicken the plant.
    patogen, jamur atau agen lain yang mungkin jatuh sakit tanaman.
  • Tell me does the sight of blood sicken you or are you afraid of death?
    Katakan padaku apakah kau takut melihat darah... Atau kau takut mati?
  • Remove immature, eaten, sicken, moldy ones from healthy seeds on the gravity table.
    Hapus yang belum matang, dimakan, sakit, berjamur dari biji sehat di atas meja gravitasi .
  • And enlightenment, in other words not to be reborn, get old, sicken, or die; but we have not
    terlahir kembali, tua, sakit, atau mati; tapi kita belum menerapkannya.”
  • You are able assume the emotional point of view of other people, even those that might scare or sicken you.
    kau bisa memperkirakan pandangan emosional orang lain bahkan yang mungkin menakutkan atau menjijikanmu.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2
    Kata kerja
  • get sick; "She fell sick last Friday, and now she is in the hospital"
    Sinonim: come down,

  • make sick or ill; "This kind of food sickens me"

  • cause aversion in; offend the moral sense of; "The pornographic pictures sickened us"
    Sinonim: disgust, revolt, nauseate, churn up,

  • upset and make nauseated; "The smell of the food turned the pregnant woman''s stomach"; "The mold on the food sickened the diners"
    Sinonim: nauseate, turn one''s stomach,