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significantly artinya

pengucapan: [ sig'nifəkəntli ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "significantly"
  • You'll be altering... the course of events significantly.
    kamu akan mengubah ... jalannya peristiwa secara signifikan.
  • As a consequence, the metro network was significantly reorganised.
    Sebagai konsekuensinya, jaringan metro secara signifikan direorganisasi.
  • Ethnic diversity varies significantly across the UK.
    Keragaman etnis ini bervariasi secara signifikan di seluruh Britania.
  • The Convention was significantly amended in 1995.
    Konvensi ini mengalami perubahan yang besar pada tahun 1995.
  • It has also changed significantly over time.
    Hal ini pun berubah secara signifikan sejalan dengan waktu.
  • It was significantly smaller than previous cellphones.
    Tidak terlalu berat jika dibandingkan dengan ponsel-ponsel series sebelumnya.
  • It significantly reduces drag for the bird behind.
    Ini signifikan mengurangi drag untuk burung belakang.
  • You know that they have significantly reduced.
    Anda tahu bahwa mereka telah berkurang secara signifikan.
  • It seems he, refined the process significantly after you.
    Sepertinya dia memperbaiki prosesnya Dengan baik setelah menciptakanmu.
  • I mean this is pretty significantly terrifyingly.
    Maksudku ini cukup mengerikan. Dia terlihat sudah mati.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
  • in a significant manner; "our budget will be significantly affected by these new cuts"

  • in an important way or to an important degree; "more importantly, Weber held that the manifold meaning attached to the event by the social scientist could alter his definition of the concrete event itself"
    Sinonim: importantly, importantly,

  • in a statistically significant way; "the two groups differed significantly"

  • in a significant manner; "our budget will be significantly affected by these new cuts"

  • in an important way or to an important degree; "more importantly, Weber held that the manifold meaning attached to the event by the social scientist could alter his definition of the concrete event itself"
    Sinonim: importantly, importantly,

  • in a statistically significant way; "the two groups differed significantly"