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skype artinya

contoh kalimat "skype"
  • skype
  • Skype me when you land. You'll see everything will be okay.
    Kita Skype-an lagi setelah mendarat.
  • We can Skype, like, every year or something. - Sure
    Kita bisa Skype-an, seperti, setiap tahun,
  • Listen, let's discuss this over Skype on Thursday
    Dengar, nanti kita bahas melalui Skype hari Kamis.
  • Whenever we would Skype it was always from this direction.
    Kami kontak skype di tempat ini.
  • I learned about the Haiti earthquake by Skype.
    Saya mengetahui gempa bumi Haiti dari Skype.
  • Okay, I'll Skype you later or text you.
    Baik, nanti aku akan men-Skype atau kirim pesan padamu.
  • Baby, we can text and we can Skype
    Sayang, kita bisa kirim SMS dan kita bisa Skype
  • We'd Skype sometimes when I was in Kandahar.
    Kadang-kadang kami Skype-an waktu aku di Kandahar.
  • I am so sorry about that weird Skype audition.
    aku sangat menyesal tentang itu Skype audisi aneh.
  • Mr. Greene, I have the investors on Skype for you.
    Greene, aku punya investor di Skype untukmu.
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