sound-producing artinya
- producing: memproduksi
- goods-producing: penghasil barang
- sound: bunyi; nyenyak (tidur); sihat sejahtera; kedengaran; kesan; kuat; mantap; membunyikan; memeriksa; menduga; mengucapkan; menyeluruh; nyenyak; sempurna; segar; utuh; hidup; audio; menuturkan; teguh; a
- sound not: nampak kurang
- clove-producing country: negeri penghasil cengkeh
- oil producing country: negeri penghasil minyak
- list of largest producing countries of agricultural commodities: daftar negara penghasil komoditas agrikultural terbesar
- abnormal sound: bunyi taknormal
- absorption of sound: serapan bunyi
- aerodynamic sound: bunyi aerodinamik
- as sound as a roach: sehat walafiat
- attenuation of sound: laifan bunyi
- bark (sound): salak (bunyi)
- bass (sound): bes (bunyi)
- beep (sound): bip (suara)
- The syrinx is the sound-producing vocal organ of birds, located at the base of a bird's trachea.
Siring adalah organ yang menghasilkan suara pada burung, terletak di dasar trakea burung.