spies artinya
- israeli spies: mata-mata israel
- soviet spies: spionase soviet
- the twelve spies: kedua belas pengintai
- totally spies!: totally spies!; totally spies
- bridge of spies (film): bridge of spies (film); bridge of spies (filem)
- list of totally spies! episodes: senarai episod totally spies!
- the spies (2012 film): the spies (film 2012)
- the spies who loved me: the spies who loved me (seri tv)
- user totally spies!: pengguna totally spies!
- world war i spies: perisik perang dunia i
- oss 117: cairo, nest of spies: oss 117: le caire, nid d'espions
- list of accolades received by bridge of spies (film): daftar penghargaan dan nominasi yang diterima oleh bridge of spies (film)
- spieling off: menyebut lancar
- spieling: mengolok-olok
- spieled off: menyebut lancar
- spieled: mengolok-olok