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spool artinya

pengucapan: [ spu:l ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: spooled   kata kerja past continuous: spooled   kata benda plural: spools   kata kerja present continuous: spooling   
contoh kalimat "spool"
  • We all watched Mr. Jingles roll that spool.
    Kami semua menonton Mr. Jingles menggulingkan busa itu.
  • And those spools, the stenotype record, have it destroyed.
    Dan hancurkan semua catatan, juga catatan stenonya.
  • Spool up all available SpecialOps.
    Pusat Komando Afrika AS (AFRICOM), Stuttgart, Jerman. Gerakkan semua agen khusus.
  • Now plug in the spool from the tape dispenser.
    Sekarang pasang kumparan itu di atas staples.
  • You are stuck here ... you are the spool.
    Anda terjebak di sini... Anda spul.
  • A piece of cloth, a spool, a tennis ball
    Sepotong kain, sebuah spool, bola tenis
  • What it's gonna do is it's gonna spool up.
    Apa itu akan lakukan adalah itu akan spool up.
  • Please tighten all spools, nuts, bolts and detachable appendages.
    Lepaskan semua kumparan, baut, listrik dan semua peralatan yang terdeteksi.
  • I'd like that kite, please. And I'll take this spool.
    Tolong, Aku ingin layangan itu dan benang yang ini.
  • Well none, all I could afford was this spool of string.
    Tidak ada yang lain selain satu kumparan penuh.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a winder around which thread or tape or film or other flexible materials can be wound
    Sinonim: bobbin, reel,

  • Kata kerja
  • wind onto a spool or a reel

  • transfer data intended for a peripheral device (usually a printer) into temporary storage