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spotty artinya

pengucapan: [ 'spɔti ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "spotty"
  • Communication will be spotty if the storm is electromagnetic.
    Komunikasi akan naik turun jika badai elektromagnetik.
  • For a memory thief, your own recall is surprisingly spotty.
    Untuk seorang pencuri ingatan, ingatanmu sendiri tidaklah bagus.
  • You're a coach with a spotty career.
    Kau pelatih dengan karir yang turun naik.
  • Yeah, well, the service is spotty up there,
    Ya, mungkin sinyal disana kurang bagus,
  • The accounts are spotty, but maybe someone there can point us in the right direction.
    pekerjaannya membunuh Garcia Flynn.
  • The lethality in vampires is still spotty.
    The lethality vampir masih jerawatan.
  • Marshall's kicking game was spotty at best last week against Morehead.
    Tendangan permianan Marshall yang terbaik minggu lalu melawan Morehead.
  • Eisenschiml's book is filled with - spotty research and false assumptions.
    Buku Einsenschiml penuh dengan penelitian bernoda dan asumsi salah.
  • You know his remote was spotty?
    Kau tahu pengendalinya tak bagus ?
  • His track record has been kind of spotty, but I don't hate him.
    dia melakukan banyak kesalahan, aku tidak membencinya.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4
    Kata sifat
  • lacking consistency; "the golfer hit the ball well but his putting was spotty"
    Sinonim: uneven, scratchy,

  • having spots or patches (small areas of contrasting color or texture); "a field patched with ice and snow"; "the wall had a spotty speckled effect"; "a black-and-white spotted cow"
    Sinonim: patched, spotted,