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spout artinya

pengucapan: [ spaut ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: spouted   kata kerja past continuous: spouted   kata benda plural: spouts   kata kerja present continuous: spouting   
contoh kalimat "spout"
  • The northern Ireland office are spouting the same old shite.
    Irlandia Utara masih mengumbar bualan lama.
  • It's not loaded, I only put one up the spout.
    Aku hanya mengisi satu peluru saja.
  • He spouted antlers like a gizelle, like an elk.
    Dia disemburkan tanduk seperti gizelle, seperti rusa.
  • You. I n a tree. Spouting off stuff like
    Kau di atas pohon membual dengan mengatakan
  • Mansa, just a nice little spout. Just, pff, a puff.
    Hanya semburan kecil air yang indah.
  • Here is my handle Here is my spout.
    Berikut ini saya menangani Berikut ini saya cerat
  • You spout crazy nonsense for hours in Eurotrashenese.
    Berbicaralah ttg hal2 yg tidak mungkin... di 'Eurotrashenees.
  • I thought the Grim Reaper was just spouting nonsense.
    Kukira malaikat kematian hanya bicara omong kosong.
  • The itsy-bitsy spider Went up the water spout
    The itsy-bitsy spider Pergi ke atas air
  • Maybe we could get it to spout or something, then dive underwater?
    Bisa ditembak air dan tenggelam.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • an opening that allows the passage of liquids or grain

  • Kata kerja
  • talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner
    Sinonim: rant, mouth off, jabber, rabbit on, rave,

  • gush forth in a sudden stream or jet; "water gushed forth"
    Sinonim: spurt, spirt, gush,