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squall artinya

pengucapan: [ skwɔ:l ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "squall"
  • "Tucumcari tempest". "Desert Squall". "Hold Back the Storm".
    Tucumcari Tempest, Desert Squall, Hold Back the Storm.
  • Well, there's a squall line going through here.
    Nah , ada garis badai akan lewat sini .
  • Please, please. Wherever did you hear that ear-damning squall?
    Dimana kau mendengar lagu itu?
  • The first Final Fantasy VIII character created was Squall.
    Karakter Final Fantasy VIII yang pertama dibuat adalah Squall.
  • A great snow squall is falling far into spring.
    Sebuah badai salju besar yang jatuh jauh Ke musim semi.
  • Sir, a squall on the starboard bow.
    Pak, badai di haluan kanan.
  • We're headed into a squall.
    Kita berlayar di badai yang dahsyat.
  • There's a squall in there.
    Ada badai di sana.
  • All I can guess is I took off and my boat ended up in some kind of squall.
    Yang bisa kukira perahuku terkena badai.
  • Carrying a baby, no less... which apparently didn't squall or cry out in transit.
    Membawa bayi, tidak lebih... Yang tampaknya tidak berteriak dalam perjalanan.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4
    Kata benda
  • sudden violent winds; often accompanied by precipitation

  • Kata kerja
  • utter a sudden loud cry; "she cried with pain when the doctor inserted the needle"; "I yelled to her from the window but she couldn''t hear me"
    Sinonim: shout, shout out, cry, call, yell, scream, holler, hollo,

  • make high-pitched, whiney noises
    Sinonim: waul, wawl,

  • blow in a squall; "When it squalls, a prudent sailor reefs his sails"