stable artinya
pengucapan: [ 'steibl ] audio:
- kandang kuda
- stabil
- tetap
- berwatak kuat
- keras
- kokoh
- mantap
- pemeliharaan kuda
- mengandangkan
- teguh
- kaku
- kandang
- istal
- kukuh
- ajek
- kalem
- be stable: kukuh stabil
- relative stable: relatif stabil
- relatively stable: yang relatif stabil
- stable equilibrium: keseimbangan stabil
- stable fly: lalat kandang
- stable governor: regulator stabil
- stable isotope: isotop mantap
- stable money: uang stabil
- stable nuclide: isotop stabil
- stable substance: zat-stabil
- beta-decay stable isobars: garis kestabilan beta
- evolutionarily stable strategy: strategi stabil evolusioner
- infobox element|isotopes stable: elementbox isotopes stable; infobox element|isotopes stable
- stable isotope ratio: rasio isotop stabil
- latest stable software release templates: templat keluaran perisian stabil terbaru; templat rilis stabil perangkat lunak terkini
- To build a stable life of citizenship and education.
untuk membangun kehidupan dan pendidikan yang stabil. - As you get older, you become more stable.
Saat Anda bertambah tua, Anda menjadi lebih stabil. - Okay, S-4B is stable, slot panels are drifting free.
Oke, S-4B stabil, slot panel Drifting gratis. - I'm not sure this floor is entirely stable.
Aku tak yakin kalau lantai ini sepenuhnya stabil. - They fill these up to keep the ship stable.
Mereka mengisi ini untuk membuat kapalnya stabil. - If things work out, I could make us stable.
Jika segalanya berhasil, aku bisa menstabilkan kita. - You told us the Moon was stable, Dr. Rhodes.
Anda mengatakan bahwa Luna stabil, Dr Rhoades. - Now, there's a secret passageway just behind the stable.
Sekarang, ada jalan rahasia di belakang kandang. - Heaven may have been corrupt, but it was stable.
Surga mungkin telah korup, tapi masih stabil. - You wanna get your hands on Cobb Holwell's stable.
Kamu ingin menguasai kandang kuda Cobb Holwell.
- Kata sifat
- resistant to change of position or condition; "a stable ladder"; "a stable peace"; "a stable relationship"; "stable prices"
- showing little if any change; "a static population"
Sinonim: static, unchanging, - maintaining equilibrium
- not taking part readily in chemical change
- firm and dependable; subject to little fluctuation; "the economy is stable"
- shelter in a stable; "stable horses"
- a farm building for housing horses or other livestock
Sinonim: stalls, horse barn,