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stave artinya

pengucapan: [ steiv ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: staved   kata kerja past continuous: staved   kata benda plural: staves   kata kerja present continuous: staving   
contoh kalimat "stave"
  • You feed me, I don't stave your head in.
    Kau memberiku makan, Dan aku takkan membenturkan kepalamu.
  • Come on, it'll help us stave off glaucoma.
    Ayolah, ini akan membantu mencegah glaukoma.
  • Whip him with staves, in practice, by all means.
    Tapi dia mencambuk dengan tongkat, melatih, dengan cara apapun.
  • And it won't be wooden staves, either.
    Dan ini bukan tongkat kayu lagi.
  • Well, I trust you staved them off.
    Aku yakin kau bisa menghindari mereka.
  • Staved off the virus for three days.
    Menghentikan virus untuk 3 hari.
  • We keep the back channels open in hopes of staving off disaster.
    Kami menjaga pintu belakang terbuka untuk menghindari jika ada bencana.
  • In hopes of staving off disaster.
    Untuk menghindar dari masalah.
  • "and the ten princes hunted after the bulls with staves and nooses.
    "Dan sepuluh pangeran memburu sapi jantan dengan tongkat dan jerat
  • That's how long my contractor says I can stave off mother nature.
    Kontraktorku bilang tergantung berapa lama aku bisa menghalau pengaruh alam.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a crosspiece between the legs of a chair
    Sinonim: rung, round,

  • one of several thin slats of wood forming the sides of a barrel or bucket
    Sinonim: lag,

  • (music) the system of five horizontal lines on which the musical notes are written
    Sinonim: staff,

  • Kata kerja
  • burst or force (a hole) into something
    Sinonim: stave in,

  • furnish with staves; "stave a ladder"