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storyboard artinya

contoh kalimat "storyboard"
  • I had an analysis of how to arrange a storyboard too
    Analisis bagaimana mengatur storyboard
  • Ceccarelli and Brookshier also served as storyboard directors.
    Ceccarelli dan Brookshier juga bertugas sebagai sutradara papan cerita.
  • Mashima is involved as executive producer and storyboard artist.
    Mashima terlibat sebagai produser eksekutif dan seniman papan cerita.
  • Before a recording, Lawrence prepares when the crew sends a storyboard.
    Sebelum perekaman, Lawrence bersiap ketika kru mengirimkan papan cerita.
  • The first version of Storyboard Suite was released in November 2009.
    Versi pertama dari Storyboard Suite dirilis pada November 2009.
  • – Trim and merge video clips in storyboard editing
    - Potong dan menggabungkan klip video dalam editing storyboard
  • – Trim and merge video clips in storyboard editing
    – Pangkas dan gabungkan klip video dalam pengeditan papan cerita
  • Where's the additional storyboard?
    Usiaku? 24. Bagaimana denganmu?
  • The storyboard artists, including Sherm Cohen, then illustrated ideas conceived by the writers.
    Seniman papan cerita, termasuk Sherm Cohen, kemudian menggambar ide dari penulis.
  • Of course, we will have to adjust the composition and storyboard when we start drawing
    Tentu saja, kami akan menyesuaikan komposisi dan storyboard ketika lukisan
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5