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stuffy artinya

pengucapan: [ 'stʌfi ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "stuffy"
  • stuffing up:    menutup; menyumbat
  • stuffing box:    tabung-paking pemasukan
  • stuffing:    pemuatan; inti (makanan); isian; bahan isi untuk ayam; bahan pengisi; kodok dsb.; sosis; isi; inti; sarak
  • stuffiness:    kekakuan; sifat membosankan; kepengapan; kesumpekan
  • stuffily:    secara membosankan
  • My MP3 player. You know these stuffy parties.
    MP3 player saya Anda tahu pesta pengap ini.
  • It can be so stuffy sometimes in there.
    Yeah. - Terkadang menjadi begitu pengap di sana.
  • Aren't you cold? So I wore this.. The neck is so stuffy!
    Kau belajar saja sana!
  • I just don't want some stuffy chaperone, that's all.
    Aku tak ingin ada pengawal, itu saja.
  • Not half as stuffy as a gas-proof room would be.
    Tidak sepengap di ruangan tahan gas.
  • Yeah, but everything's red, stuffy too and it smells.
    Ya, tapi segalanya merah. Pengap dan bau.
  • The smell was heavy, hot, overwhelming... Stuffy... stale air.
    Bau yang menyengat, panas, membanjiri... menyesakkan... udara pengap.
  • Anne, this conversation's too stuffy for the dinner table.
    Anne, percakapan ini's terlalu pengap untuk meja makan.
  • Why wear what those stuffy girls are wearing?
    Mengapa memakai Apa Yang Gadis-Bokep pengap mengenakan?
  • I never got any stuffy animals as here I am.
    Saya telah menerima boneka binatang.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata sifat
  • excessively conventional and unimaginative and hence dull; "why is the middle class so stodgy, so utterly without a sense of humor?"; "a stodgy dinner party"
    Sinonim: stodgy,

  • affected with a sensation of stoppage or obstruction; "a stuffy feeling in my chest"

  • lacking fresh air; "a dusty airless attic"; "the dreadfully close atmosphere"; "hot and stuffy and the air was blue with smoke"
    Sinonim: airless, close, unaired,