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stupa artinya

kata benda plural: stupas   
contoh kalimat "stupa"
  • The stupa has doors facing four directions.
    Stupa ini memiliki pintu-pintu yang menghadap ke empat arah.
  • These hemispherical structures bear similarity to early Buddhist stupas.
    Struktur hemisfer tersebut menyerupai stupa Buddha awal.
  • The Dakkhina Stupa was believed to be the tomb of Ellalan.
    Stupa Dakkhina diyakini sebagai makam Ellalan.
  • The stupa was designed by architect Sheo Dan Mal.
    Stupa dirancang oleh seorang arsitek Sheo Dan Mal.
  • We used to race up to the top of the stupa".
    Kami biasa berlomba sampai ke puncak stupa".
  • A stupa is a building created specifically for the relics.
    Stupa adalah bangunan yang dibuat khusus untuk relikui.
  • When represented on the stupa, he always faces toward west.
    Saat ditampilkan dengan stupa, dia selalu menghadap arah barat.
  • Construction of the stupa was begun after these issues were finally settled.
    Pembangunan stupa dimulai setelah hal-hal tersebut diselesaikan.
  • Sanchi, especially Stupa 1, has a large number of Brahmi inscriptions.
    Sanchi, terutama Stupa 1, memiliki banyak prasasti beraksara Brahmi.
  • He also made improvements to the four entranceways of the Abhayagiri stupa.
    Dia juga memperbaiki empat pintu masuk stupa Abhayagiri.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a dome-shaped shrine erected by Buddhists
    Sinonim: tope,