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subsection artinya

pengucapan: [ 'sʌb'sekʃən ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "subsection"
  • There seems to be a subsection to this list here.
    Kelihatannya ada subseksi pada daftar di sini.
  • This is under the fourth clause, 2nd subsection.
    Sudah ada dalam pasal ke-4, ayat ke-2.
  • Look, chapter seven, subsection 16, rule four, line nine.
    Dengar, pasal tujuh, ayat 16, aturan empat, sembilan jalur.
  • First subsection under the first clause of the contract,
    Ayat pertama dibawah klausul keempat
  • Step one, subsection A, look the part.
    Tahap satu, subseksi A, pembagian peran.
  • Focus on the subsection of choice in your post draft
    Fokus pada subbagian pilihan di draf posting Anda
  • Paragraph 18, subsection "B."
    Ayat 18, Huruf "b,"
  • Excellent striping technology, can make subsection according to your request.
    Teknologi striping yang bagus, bisa membuat subbagian sesuai permintaan anda.
  • Copy the subsection to a brand new file and write it there
    Salin sub-bagian ke file baru dan tulis di sana
  • 5. Develop Each Subsection as if It Was a Standalone Post
    5. Kembangkan Setiap Subbagian seolah-olah Ini Adalah Pos Yang Berdiri Sendiri
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4
    Kata benda
  • a section of a section; a part of a part; i.e., a part of something already divided
    Sinonim: subdivision,