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sure artinya

pengucapan: [ ʃuə ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "sure"
  • She asked me to make sure you knew about it.
    Ia memintaku memastikan kalau kamu mengetahuinya.
  • And it won't be easy -- that's for sure.
    Dan itu tidak akan mudah. Sudah pasti.
  • I'm sure you're all avid "American Idol" watchers.
    Saya yakin kalian semua keranjingan menonton "American Idol".
  • I'm sure you've heard some of these messages.
    Saya yakin anda pernah mendengar pesan-pesan seperti ini.
  • "Sure." She started reading. She read one sentence.
    "Baiklah." Dia mulai membaca. Dia membaca satu kalimat.
  • Not really sure why they show up, but they do.
    Saya tidak yakin mengapa mereka berkunjung.
  • I'm not sure this project's going to pan out."
    Saya tidak yakin proyek ini akan berhasil."
  • Now I'm not actually sure that he did say that.
    Saya tidak yakin dia benar-benar mengatakannya.
  • She sure does worry a lot about needless stuff.
    Dia banyak mengkhawatirkan hal yang tidak perlu.
  • I'm sure he was asking others about you.
    Aku yakin dia bertanya pada orang lain tentangmu.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata sifat
  • having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty; confident and assured; "felt certain of success"; "was sure (or certain) she had seen it"; "was very sure in his beliefs"; "sure of her friends"
    Sinonim: certain,

  • certain to occur; destined or inevitable; "he was certain to fail"; "his fate is certain"; "In this life nothing is certain but death and taxes"- Benjamin Franklin; "he faced certain death"; "sudden but sure regret"; "he is sure to win"
    Sinonim: certain,

  • Keterangan
  • definitely or positively (`sure'' is sometimes used informally for `surely''); "the results are surely encouraging"; "she certainly is a hard worker"; "it''s going to be a good day for sure"; "they are coming, for certain"; "they thought he had been killed sure enough"; "he''ll win sure as shooting"; "they sure smell good"; "sure he''ll come"
    Sinonim: surely, certainly, for sure, for certain, sure enough, sure as shooting, surely, certainly, for sure, for certain, sure enough, sure as shooting,

  • definitely or positively (`sure'' is sometimes used informally for `surely''); "the results are surely encouraging"; "she certainly is a hard worker"; "it''s going to be a good day for sure"; "they are coming, for certain"; "they thought he had been killed sure enough"; "he''ll win sure as shooting"; "they sure smell good"; "sure he''ll come"
    Sinonim: surely, certainly, for sure, for certain, sure enough, sure as shooting, surely, certainly, for sure, for certain, sure enough, sure as shooting,

  • Kata sifat
  • exercising or taking care great enough to bring assurance; "be certain to disconnect the iron when you are through"; "be sure to lock the doors"
    Sinonim: certain,

  • impossible to doubt or dispute; "indisputable (or sure) proof"
    Sinonim: indisputable,

  • reliable in operation or effect; "a quick and certain remedy"; "a sure way to distinguish the two"; "wood dust is a sure sign of termites"
    Sinonim: certain,

  • physically secure or dependable; "a sure footing"; "was on sure ground"

  • certain not to fail; "a sure hand on the throttle"

  • infallible or unfailing; "a sure (or true) sign of one''s commitment"

  • (of persons) worthy of trust or confidence; "a sure (or trusted) friend"
    Sinonim: trusted,