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swallowed artinya

contoh kalimat "swallowed"
  • Well, basically the East was swallowed by the West.
    Yah, pada dasarnya Timur ditelan oleh Barat.
  • And I swallowed their insults along with their slurs.
    Dan aku menelan hinaan mereka beserta makiannya.
  • I swallowed a big June bug when we were driving.
    Aku menelan banyak serangga, saat diperjalanan.
  • 'I consumed the poison, I swallowed the pain.'
    "Aku dikonsumsi racun, saya menelan rasa sakit, "
  • Her caravan was swallowed by the most ferocious sand storm.
    Kafilah mereka tertelan badai pasir sengit.
  • Lies... you swallowed more easily than those pills.
    Kebohongan yang mudah kau telan ketimbang pil-pil itu.
  • I left the church when the mine swallowed him.
    Aku meninggalkan gereja ketika tambang itu menelannya.
  • He said a girl was saying she got swallowed
    Dia berkata seorang gadis berkata dia ditelan
  • It was like you had swallowed a beach ball.
    Rasanya seperti kau telah menelan bola pantai.
  • 350 crores meant for drought has been swallowed.
    350 crores yang dimaksudkan untuk kekeringan telah tertelan.
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