sweat artinya
pengucapan: [ swet ] audio:
kata kerja past tense: sweat kata kerja past continuous: sweat kata kerja present continuous: sweating
- berkeringat
- berpeluh
- keringat
- peluh
- bekerja keras
- risau
- k?ri?at
- kesusahan
- usaha
- kepayahan
- pergolakan
- kekacauan
- p?luh
- sweat for it: mendapat hukuman sangat wajar
- a cold sweat: ketakutan
- beads of sweat: peluh
- blood and sweat: darah dan peluh
- cold sweat: keringat dingin; takut
- sweat droplets: keringat
- sweat gland: kelenjar peluh; kelenjar keringat
- sweat of brow: memeras keringat -
- sweat out: berkeringat dingin
- sweat room: mandi sauna; sauna
- sweat shirt: baju kaos tebal
- blood sweat & tears (song): blood sweat & tears (lagu)
- by the sweat of his brow: dengan susah payah
- by the sweat of one's brow: dengan kerja keras; dengan susah payah
- face with cold sweat: wajah berkeringat
- Don't get yourself up in a sweat, old woman.
Jangan membuat dirimu sendiri Berkeringat, wanita tua. - The same thing we are, Admiral, sweating it out.
Hal yang sama kita, Admiral, berkeringat itu. - This is going to be a real sweat.
This is going to be a real sweat. - We don't have him. He's not even breaking a sweat.
Hanya ini yang bisa kami temukan. - All of us sweating away in Steve's parents' garage.
Semuanya bekerja keras di garasi orangtua Steve. - Don't sweat it. I'll fax it right up.
Tenang, aku faks mereka atau ke markas besar. - Beside, if we sweat him, we lose the connection.
Jika membuatnya marah, kita akan kehilangan kontak. - ? Without the sweat and toil of mine ?
? Tanpa keringat dan toil milikku ? - Now, I put the sweat of my life into this.
Sekarang, aku mempertaruhkan hidupku di sini. - We can make it down freestyle no sweat, man.
Kita bisa turun dgn freestyle gampangkan, teman.
- Kata benda
- use of physical or mental energy; hard work; "he got an A for effort"; "they managed only with great exertion"
Sinonim: effort, elbow grease, exertion, travail, - salty fluid secreted by sweat glands; "sweat poured off his brow"
Sinonim: perspiration, sudor, - condensation of moisture on a cold surface; "the cold glasses were streaked with sweat"
- agitation resulting from active worry; "don''t get in a stew"; "he''s in a sweat about exams"
Sinonim: fret, stew, lather, swither, Kata kerja - excrete perspiration through the pores in the skin; "Exercise makes one sweat"
Sinonim: sudate, perspire,