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tat artinya

kata kerja past tense: tatted   kata kerja past continuous: tatted   kata kerja present continuous: tatting   
contoh kalimat "tat"
  • She's just saved Brother Tat She's now saving Loong Ng
    Dia sekarang sedang menyelamatkan kak Loong.
  • Uncle Tat, is Star Chow really your son?
    Paman Tat, benarkah Chow Sing Sing itu anakmu?
  • He's a big, bad old puddy tat, isn't he?
    Dia kucing tua, besar dan jahat, bukan?
  • Yeah, but why not just tat up Route 66?
    Ya, tapi mengapa tak melalui Rute 66?
  • He's called Wai King Tat, do you know him?
    Namanya Wai King Tat, kau tahu dia?
  • Like the little yellow canary and the puddy tat.
    Seperti sedikit kuning kenari dan tat puddy.
  • I bet they freaked when they saw your tat.
    Aku yakin mereka marah saat lihat tatomu.
  • Agent Keen, I'm loathe to play "tit for tat,"
    Agen Keen, Aku benci bermain "gayung bersambut,"
  • Remember my name is Tso Tat Wah
    Kau harus ingat baik2, namaku Cao Tat Wah
  • Then Uncle Tat will be more dangerous
    Kalo seperti begitu paman Tat akan lebih berbahaya
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5