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tax artinya

pengucapan: [ tæks ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: taxed   kata kerja past continuous: taxed   kata benda plural: taxes   kata kerja present continuous: taxing   
contoh kalimat "tax"
  • So an increase on the public tax is unavoidable.
    Jadi peningkatan pajak publik tak bisa dihindarkan.
  • No, that would make any tax fiddler a potential traitor.
    Tidak, pemain biola berpotensi mengkhianati pajak.
  • I don't know any tax lawyer who's an idealist.
    Saya tidak tahu pengacara pajak yang idealis.
  • He's talking about our tax dollars up there.
    Dia sedang membicarakan uang pajak kita di sana.
  • The road's still free, unless Einon's taxed it.
    Jalanan masih gratis, kecuali Einon sudah memungut pajak.
  • Donrt argue. This is private tax.
    Jangan membantah Ini adalah pajak pribadi Setiap orang membayar up
  • Yeah, I'm still waiting for my tax rebate.
    Yeah, aku masih menunggu untuk rabat pajak saya.
  • Your incompetence is becoming most taxing. It's not my fault.
    Ketidakmampuanmu semakin nyata ltu bukan salahku.
  • I was just about to pay my tax to you
    Aku hanya membayar pajak kepadamu, kan?
  • You said you're from Tax but damn mind.
    Kau bilang kau dari IRS tapi kau membohongiku.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • charge against a citizen''s person or property or activity for the support of government
    Sinonim: taxation, revenue enhancement,

  • Kata kerja
  • make a charge against or accuse; "They taxed him failure to appear in court"

  • use to the limit; "you are taxing my patience"
    Sinonim: task,

  • levy a tax on; "The State taxes alcohol heavily"; "Clothing is not taxed in our state"

  • set or determine the amount of (a payment such as a fine)
    Sinonim: assess,