tenom artinya
- The railway journey ends in the town of Tenom.
Perjalanan kereta ini berakhir di Tenom. - About 292 people were evacuated as the flood situation worsened in Beaufort, while the condition improved in the interior districts of Tenom and Kemabong.
Sekitar 292 orang telah dievakuasi ketika situasi banjir menjadi semakin parah di Beaufort, sementara kondisi semakin baik di daerah pedalaman Tenom dan Kemabong. - However, more relief centres are expected to be opened if the rain continues and the water from upper Tenom and Keningau flood the Padas River.
Namun, diperkirakan pusat bantuan korban banjir akan lebih banyak dibuka jika ada hujan terus menerus dan air dari bagian atas Tenom dan Keningau membanjiri Sungai Padas. - As many as 30 villages were severely affected due to the water level of Padas River rising up to 9.26 metres above the danger level, with the floods caused mainly by the overflow of water from the river's upper reaches in the Tenom district.
Sebanyak 30 desa telah terkena dampak ini karena Sungai Padas yang permukaan airnya mencapai 9.26 meter di atas permukaan bahaya, dan banjir disebabkan terutama oleh limpahan air dari hulu sungai di daerah Tenom.