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terry artinya

pengucapan: [ 'teri ]  audio:
kata benda plural: terries   
contoh kalimat "terry"
  • Joe Blake and Terry Collins are in there
    Joe Blake dan Terry Collins ada di sana
  • I told terry, you know, to just forget about it, you know?
    "Lupakan saja". Kau mengerti?
  • Look, we're talking about a secure room, Terry.
    Yang kita bicarakan ini ruang kebal pembobolan, Terry.
  • How did you find this place then, Terry?
    Bagaimana kau bisa menemukan tempat ini kemudian, Terry?
  • Terry Leather, Kevin Swain, Martine Love, Eddie Burton.
    Terry Kulit, Kevin Swain, Martine Love, Eddie Burton.
  • Oh, and did you sleep with her, Terry?
    Oh, dan apakah kau tidur dengan dia, Terry?
  • Terry, you don't get another year. I'm done.
    Terry, kau tidak akan mendapatkan satu tahun lagi.
  • Terry, I am a cop, for your information, okay?
    Terry, aku seorang polisi, asal kau tahu.
  • And you think that Terry wouldn't listen me?
    Apa kau pikir Terry juga akan mendengarku ?
  • What was left of Terry you could've fit in a shoebox.
    Tapi itu tidak sepenuhnya benar,
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a pile fabric (usually cotton) with uncut loops on both sides; used to make bath towels and bath robes
    Sinonim: terry cloth, terrycloth,