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three-sided artinya

contoh kalimat "three-sided"
  • To the particular and unusual three-sided architecture of our pyramid.
    Akan arsitektur tak biasa dan istimewa Mengenai Piramid tiga sisi kami.
  • The three-sided pyramid is also the hieroglyphic symbol for the Sirius star.
    Piramid Tiga Sisi ini juga simbol Hieroglif untuk Bintang Sirius.
  • The Lo House, in Hsin­chu County’s ­Guanxi Township, is a ­Hakka-style three-sided...
    “Penyanyi Pedesaan Wanita,” “Penyanyi Hakka Terbaik,” “Wanita Hakka Sa...
  • 1.Stainless steel chamber with three-sided metal enclosure,the top and front side open, size is305x355x610mm.
    1.Stainless steel chamber dengan tiga sisi kandang logam, sisi atas dan depan terbuka, ukuran is305x355x610mm.
  • A three-sided conflict ensued as Ferdinand moved to assert his rule over as much of the Hungarian kingdom as he could.
    Konflik tiga sisi terjadi karena Ferdinand pindah untuk menegaskan kekuasaannya atas Kerajaan Hongaria sedapat mungkin.
  • A junior officer on Helena later wrote, "Cape Esperance was a three-sided battle in which chance was the major winner."
    Di kemudian hari, menurut seorang perwira junior yang bertugas di atas Helena, "Tanjung Esperance adalah pertempuran segitiga dengan kesempatan sebagai pemenang utamanya." ^ Frank, Guadalcanal, pp. 310.
  • - Three-sided flower, using fresh flower, the writing is made of styrofoam, there are also vinyl materials depending on demand, Free shipping specifically in Surabaya.
    - Bunga tiga sisi, menggunakan fresh flower, tulisan terbuat dari streofoam, ada juga bahan vinyl terrgantung permintaan, Free ongkir khusus wilayah surabaya.
  • The model represents a three-sided market between miners (the supply side), users (the demand side), and investors (the capital side). Each group exchanges value between one another using a scarce cryptoeconomic resource (a token).
    Model ini menjelaskan pasar tiga sisi antara penambang (sisi penawaran), pengguna (sisi permintaan), dan investor (sisi modal). Setiap kelompok saling bertukar nilai antara satu dengan yang lain menggunakan sumber daya cryptoeconomic yang langka (token).
  • 1.5 meter Vertical Chiller 660W , Cake Display Freezer 3 Shelf With Tough Glass Greenheath cake display case, it is three-sided glass food display case, which features rear removable sliding double glazed doors... Read More
    1,5 meter Vertikal Chiller 660W, Kue Display Freezer 3 Rak Dengan Kaca Keras Pajangan kue Greenheath, ini adalah pajangan makanan kaca tiga sisi, yang dilengkapi pintu geser ganda yang dapat dilepas belakang, ... Read More