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throwaway artinya

pengucapan: [ 'θrəuəˌwei ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "throwaway"
  • This was sent from a throwaway phone.
    Ini dikirimkan dari ponsel yang dibuang.
  • The throwaway society cannot be contained -- it has gone global.
    Kebiasaan membuang sudah tidak bisa dikendalikan, karena telah menjadi global.
  • Mara Muerte takes care of its own, even a throwaway like Jose.
    Mara Muerte mengurus sendiri, bahkan sekali pakai seperti José.
  • 4. use it disposable 10 minutes and throwaway;
    4. gunakan itu pakai 10 menit dan dibuang;
  • Throwaway Bouquet or Flower girl posy x1
    Tonkatsu Ramen from Ajisen Ramen, the fa
  • I was the throwaway.
    Aku ini orang buangan.
  • We don't have a throwaway planet, and we don't have throwaway children -- it's all precious.
    Kita tidak ada planet buangan, dan kita tidak ada anak-anak buangan -- semua ini sangat berharga.
  • We don't have a throwaway planet, and we don't have throwaway children -- it's all precious.
    Kita tidak ada planet buangan, dan kita tidak ada anak-anak buangan -- semua ini sangat berharga.
  • Someone who has done something like this, however mediocre and throwaway, has tried something, has put something forward in public.
    Orang yang melakukan hal ini, betapa konnyol dan sia-sianya, telah berusaha, telah menerbitkan sesuatu.
  • Now it's tempting to want to get the Ushahidis without the LOLcats, right, to get the serious stuff without the throwaway stuff.
    Semua orang berusaha menciptakan Ushahidis tanpa LOLcats menciptakan sesuatu yg berarti tanpa kekonyolan
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3
    Kata benda
  • words spoken in a casual way with conscious under-emphasis

  • an advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution; "he mailed the circular to all subscribers"
    Sinonim: circular, handbill, bill, broadside, broadsheet, flier, flyer,

  • (sometimes offensive) a homeless boy who has been abandoned and roams the streets
    Sinonim: street arab, gamin,

  • Kata sifat
  • intended to be thrown away after use; "throwaway diapers"

  • thrown away; "wearing someone''s cast-off clothes"; "throwaway children living on the streets"; "salvaged some thrown-away furniture"
    Sinonim: cast-off, discarded, thrown-away,