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toothpick artinya

kata benda plural: toothpicks   
contoh kalimat "toothpick"
  • I'm a "toothpick", good for filling cavity.
    Aku " tusuk gigi ", baik untuk mengisi rongga.
  • He made instruments of death out of toothpicks.
    Eeh. Dia menciptakan instrumen kematian dari tusuk gigi.
  • He's got contacts in the luxury toothpick market.
    Dia punya kontak di pasar mewah tusuk gigi.
  • Would you use it as a toothpick and
    Bisakah kau pakai itu sebagai tusuk gigi dan
  • Toothpick arms, cricket legs... size of Masao Kume.
    Tangan kecil, kaki kecil... seperti ukuran Masao Kume.
  • That sounds like H-E double toothpicks, hon.
    Itu kedengarannya seperti H-E ,tusuk gigi dobel sayang.
  • No wonder you call yourself "Toothpick"
    Tidak heran Anda menyebut diri " Tusuk Gigi "
  • I love your army knives with the toothpicks,
    Aku suka tentara berpisaumu dengan tusuk gigi,
  • You really think I'm frightened of that toothpick?
    Kau benar-benar mengira aku takut pada tusukan gigi itu?
  • The big guy's grown back before from a toothpick.
    Dia pernah tumbuh dari tusuk gigi.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • pick consisting of a small strip of wood or plastic; used to pick food from between the teeth