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topeka artinya

contoh kalimat "topeka"
  • tope:    reguk; mereguk; stupa; meminum; minum; terminum
  • topeng dance:    tari topeng
  • topcoat:    mantel
  • toper:    pemabuk; peminum
  • So I'll see you guys in Topeka, okay?
    Jadi saya akan melihat kalian di Topeka, oke?
  • Well, washington, D.C., Is no different than topeka.
    Yah, washington, DC, Apakah tidak berbeda dari Topeka.
  • And there was no comic convention in Topeka.
    Dan tidak ada konvensi komik di Topeka.
  • Right now, Topeka, then Greenville, then home.
    Saat ini, Topeka, maka Greenville, maka rumah.
  • When are we getting to Topeka, man?
    Ketika kita sampai ke Topeka, man?
  • He was absent the day the Topeka took their photo.
    Dia tidak hadir pada hari Topeka mengambil foto mereka.
  • Topeka Valley Huskies, and your Smallville Crows!
    Topeka Valley Huskies, dan Smallville Crows!
  • Topeka group settled in their lab, sir.
    Grup Topeka menunggu di lab, pak.
  • We're just real Topeka people, man.
    Kami hanya orang-orang Topeka nyata, man.
  • I saw you throw 300 yards against Topeka last year.
    Aku lihat kau melempar 300 yard lawan Topeka tahun lalu.
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