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totality artinya

kata benda plural: totalities   
contoh kalimat "totality"
  • We really must take into account the totality.
    kita benar2 harus menghargai semua itu secara total.
  • Multiplication table 10x in its totality delivered to me tomorrow morning.
    Daftar perkalian 10x diantar padaku besok pagi.
  • Sorry. I just used up the totality of my French there.
    Maaf, aku hanya menggunakan bahasa Perancisku disana.
  • There are different degrees of totality.
    Ada perbedaan besar tentang istilah besar.
  • It is the totality of things relevant to some subject matter.
    Totalitas semua hal bersifat relevan terhadap sejumlah materi subjek.
  • It's a totality of his emotional commitment to the task at hand.
    Itu adalah totalitas dari Komitmen emosinya untuk berbicara dengan tindakannya.
  • You must be beginning to comprehend... the stunning totality of your failure.
    Kau harus mulai untuk memahami... semua perhatian tertuju pada kegagalanmu.
  • So, shouldn't every woman be defined by the totality of her choices?
    Jadi, seharusnya tidak setiap wanita didefinisikan oleh totalitas dari pilihannya?
  • Behave totality and sincerely to comprise the fairness, accountability, transparency and honestly
    Keutuhan dan ketulusan yang meliputi adil, bertanggung jawab, tidak tergantung, transparan dan jujur
  • In the Eastern Pacific Ocean, the totality exceeded a duration of more than 4 minutes.
    Di sebelah timur Samudera Pasifik, gerhana matahari total terjadi selama lebih dari 4 menit.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the whole amount
    Sinonim: sum, total, aggregate,

  • the quality of being complete and indiscriminate; "the totality of war and its consequences"; "the all-embracing totality of the state"

  • the state of being total and complete; "he read the article in its entirety"; "appalled by the totality of the destruction"
    Sinonim: entirety, entireness, integrality,