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troyes artinya

contoh kalimat "troyes"
  • troyes
  • My name is Prudentius of Troyes in Frankia.
    Namaku Prudentius dari Troyes, Frankia.
  • His brother Stephen inherited the counties of Meaux, Troyes and Vitry-le-Fran?ois.
    Saudaranya étienne mewarisi provinsi-provinsi Meaux, Troyes dan Vitry-le-Fran?ois.
  • They're being transported to the abbey at Troyes as we speak.
    Mereka diangkut ke biara di Troyes saat kita bicara.
  • This is Father Prudentius of Troyes.
    Ini adalah Pastor Prudentius dari Troyes.
  • He was born in Troyes, France.
    Ia lahir di Troyes, Prancis.
  • It's the driver I hired to take the boys to Troyes.
    Ini adalah sopir yg aku sewa untuk mengambil anak-anak untuk Troyes.
  • Troyes, France, late 11th Century.
    Troyes, Prancis, akhir abad ke-11.
  • Download the Pantone study Troyes Technology University
    Unduh studi Pantone di Troyes University of Technology
  • Troyes, early 12th century.
    Troyes, awal abad ke-12.
  • The army was in short supply of food by the time it reached Troyes.
    Pasukan Prancis menderita krisis persediaan makanan pada saat mencapai Troyes.
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