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unfailing artinya

contoh kalimat "unfailing"
  • Scared to death were shot with unfailing accuracy.
    Dia bisa mencetak angka setiap kali menembak
  • He had always been impossible shot with unfailing accuracy.
    Itu mustahil. Ia tidak pernah luput!
  • And then she went, with her unfailing faith.
    Dan kemudian dia pergi, dengan keyakinan yang tak henti-hentinya.
  • His unfailing ability to destroy the things he loves.
    Kemampuannya untuk menghancurkan semua yang dicintainya.
  • The earth is full of unfailing love.
    Bumi penuh dengan kasih setia Tuhan.
  • But, in all these "unfailing techniques", where did the fault lie?
    Sedangkan dalam "segudang teknik" itu.., ..Manakah letak kesalahannya?
  • You remembered your unfailing love.
    Kau ingat kasih setiamu.
  • No. "The Lord is good. His unfailing love endures forever, "and his faithfulness continues through all generations."
    Kasih setia-Nya untuk selama-lamanya... dan kesetian-Nya tetap turun-temurun."
  • They have the opportunity to live a unfailing love and will perhaps die a day for him.
    Mereka memiliki kesempatan untuk hidup cinta tak kunjung padam dan mungkin akan mati hari untuknya.
  • My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning. O Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love.
    Jiwaku menunggu Tuhan... Berharapalah pada Tuhan..., ...karena kasih Tuhan tiada habisnya.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2
    Kata sifat
  • unceasing; "unfailing loyalty"; "unfailing good spirits"; "unflagging courtesy"
    Sinonim: unflagging,

  • always able to supply more; "an unfailing source of good stories"; "a subject of unfailing interest"

  • not liable to failure; "a foolproof identification system"; "the unfailing sign of an amateur"; "an unfailing test"
    Sinonim: foolproof,