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unicameral artinya

contoh kalimat "unicameral"
  • The Parliament of Egypt is currently a unicameral legislature.
    Parlemen Mesir sekarang adalah sebuah legislatur unikameral.
  • Legislative power is vested in the 349-member unicameral Riksdag.
    Kekuasaan legislatif ditentukan oleh 349-anggota unikameral Riksdag.
  • Georgia now has a semi-presidential system with a unicameral parliament.
    Finlandia menggunakan sistem semi-presidensial dengan parlemen.
  • The State Great Khural is unicameral, and consists of 76 members.
    Khural Agung Negara memiliki 76 anggota.
  • The 1935 Constitution established a unicameral National Assembly.
    Konstitusi 1935 unikameral membentuk Majelis Nasional.
  • The parliament currently is unicameral.
    Parlemen saat ini unikameral.
  • Ukraine's legislative branch includes the 450-seat unicameral parliament, the Verkhovna Rada.
    Cabang legislatif Ukraina berisi 450 kursi parlemen satu kamar, yang disebut Verkhovna Rada.
  • Under the 1962 constitution, the prince shares his veto power with the unicameral National Council.
    Berdasarkan konstitusi 1962, pangeran berbagi hak vetonya dengan Dewan Nasional.
  • There also exists a unicameral Cocos (Keeling) Islands Shire Council with seven seats.
    Dalam Kepulauan Cocos, terdapat Dewan Shire Kepulauan Cocos (Keeling) yang terdiri atas 7 kursi.
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    Kata sifat
  • composed of one legislative body