unsuspected artinya
pengucapan: [ 'ʌnsəs'pektid ] audio:
- unsusceptibility: keimunan; kekebalan; imunitas; lali
- unsurveyed: belum diselidiki
- unsuspecting: tidak menaruh curiga; tidak curiga; mudah tertipu
- unsurrendering: tidak dapat dikuasai
- unswayed: tidak percaya
- unsurpassed: tak tertandingi
- unsweetened: tak diberi gula
- unsurmountable: tidak terkalahkan
- unswerving: tak menyimpang; tetap teguh; kuat; setia; teguh; karib; akrab
- Only the kingdom of the night it kept on being unsuspected, invisible.
Hanya kerajaan malam itu terus yang tak terduga, tak terlihat. - She possesses unsuspected riches!
dia memiliki kekayaan tak terduga! - Indispensable, unsuspected ... Discover the territory of Grand Roissy.
Sangat diperlukan, tidak terduga ... Temukan wilayah Grand Roissy. - The unsuspected secrets of the pineal gland
Rahsia yang tidak diketahui dari kelenjar pineal - One... unsuspected brush stroke by which the forger inevitably... ends up betraying himself... and revealing his own, utterly authentic sensibilities.
Jadi ... akhirnya mengkhianati dirinya sendiri, mengungkapkan sensitivitas sendiri. - Endoscopies and barium swallows done for other reasons often reveal unsuspected Schatzki rings, meaning that many Schatzki rings are asymptomatic.
Endoskop dan menelan barium sering menunjukan bukti adanya Cincin Schatzki, yang berarti bahwa banyak cincin Schatzki yang bersifat asimtomatik. - The equation also implied the existence of a new form of matter, antimatter, previously unsuspected and unobserved and which was experimentally confirmed several years later.
Persamaan ini juga juga menyiratkan adanya bentuk materi baru, antimateri, sebelumnya tidak terduga dan tidak teramati dan yang secara eksperimental dikonfirmasi beberapa tahun kemudian. - Finally, another source who accused the Margraves of Brandenburg was the relative later Chronicle of Henry of Hertford, which although written during the mid-14th century, was reliable enough because was from Germany (and therefore unsuspected of being partial).
Akhirnya sumber lain yang menuduh Markgraf Brandenburg adalah relatif kemudian Kronik Henry dari Hertford, yang walaupun ditulis pada pertengahan abad ke-14, cukup dapat diandalkan karena berasal dari Jerman (dan karena itu dianggap tidak berpihak). - Those responsible for illegal activities on the Internet is very diverse and includes from nation states to neighborhood thugs, intelligence services, hackivists, military personnel, industrial spies or hackers of all kinds. Some, however, have managed to compromise security in the world to unsuspected limits.
Mereka yang bertanggung jawab atas kegiatan ilegal di Internet sangat beragam dan mencakup dari negara-negara hingga penjahat lingkungan, dinas intelijen, peretas, personel militer, mata-mata industri atau peretas segala jenis. Namun, beberapa telah berhasil mengkompromikan keamanan di dunia hingga batas yang tidak terduga.
- Kata sifat
- not suspected or believed likely; "remained unsuspected as the head of the spy ring"; "he was able to get into the building unspotted and unsuspected"; "unsuspected difficulties arose"; "unsuspected turnings in the road"