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upload artinya

pengucapan: [ 'ʌpˌləud ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "upload"
  • I'll scan the prints, upload them to Abby.
    Aku akan memindai sidik jari, upload ke Abby
  • No, I just wanted to upload our shoot.
    Tidak, aku hanya ingin untuk meng-upload hasil rekaman.
  • Otherwise, he'll upload the clip on the internet.
    Jika tidak, dia meng-upload video itu di internet.
  • But Melissa upload something on the internet about you
    Tapi Melissa mengunggah sesuatu tentangmu di internet
  • My experiential upload is going into all of those Humanichs?
    Meng-upload pengalamanku ke semua Humanichs itu?
  • Homefromworkcontinuestodrawmanhwa then upload it to the blog.
    Pulang kerja terus menggambar manhwa kemudian menggunggahnya ke blog.
  • His instructions were to upload it in 24 hours.
    petunjuk-Nya adalah untuk meng-upload dalam 24 jam.
  • Updating communications A, B and C for upload.
    Memperbarui komunikasi A, B dan C untuk mengunggah.
  • Gideon will upload you coordinates to the Greyhill Building.
    Gideon akan mengunggah... koordinat menuju Gedung Greyhill.
  • Should we take a picture and upload it ourselves?
    Haruskah kami mengambil gambar dan meng-uploadnya sendiri?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata kerja
  • transfer a file or program to a central computer from a smaller computer or a computer at a remote location