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velociraptor artinya

contoh kalimat "velociraptor"
  • I give you the resonating chamber of a Velociraptor.
    Kupersembahkan ruang resonansi seekor Velociraptor.
  • A moderate Hypsilophodon Chased a flock of Velociraptor.
    Seekor Hypsilophodon sedang Dikejar sekawanan Velociraptor.
  • Well, Walley World is home of the one and only Velociraptor.
    Walley Dunia adalah rumah bagi satu-satunya Velociraptor terakhir.
  • A velociraptor. And more than one, judging from this mess.
    seekor velociraptor. dan lebih dari satu, dilihat dari kekacauan ini.
  • It's a bloody velociraptor, isn't it?
    Ini velociraptor berdarah, bukan?
  • But no, not Velociraptor.
    Tapi tidak, Velociraptor tak begitu.
  • Jurassic Park POP! Movies Vinyl Figure Velociraptor 9 cm
    Jurrasic World 2 POP! Movies Vinyl Figur Indoraptor 9 cm
  • That herd Velociraptor again.
    Itu kawanan Velociraptor lagi.
  • Velociraptor, the free application that helps us to go within limits.
    Velociraptor, aplikasi gratis yang membantu kita untuk masuk dalam batas.
  • Garden Animal Statues For Dinosaur Statue Park , Velociraptor Lawn Ornament
    Patung Hewan Taman Untuk Taman Patung Dinosaurus, Ornamen Ornamen Velociraptor
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2
    Kata benda
  • small active carnivore that probably fed on protoceratops; possibly related more closely to birds than to other dinosaurs