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vibrato artinya

kata benda plural: vibratos   
contoh kalimat "vibrato"
  • vibrato
  • Is that vibrato, or is your hand shaking?
    apa itu vibrato, atau tanganmu gemetaran?
  • Mature Doll Patty Plenty Plays With A Vibrato...
    Matang Patung Patty Plenty Plays Dengan Yang ...
  • Technology sense of vibrato micro-audit transcendental electronic dance music
    Rasa teknologi vibrato mikro-audit transendental musik dansa elektronik
  • Mature Doll Patty Plenty Plays With A Vibrato...
    Dewasa Boneka Patty Plenty Plays Dengan Sebua...
  • Fast-paced vibrato short video with electronic background sound
    Video pendek vibrato cepat dengan suara latar belakang elektronik
  • Mature doll Patty Plenty plays with a vibrato...
    Dewasa boneka patty plenty plays dengan sebua...
  • True Vibrato Expression, Reborn with Waza Innovation
    Suara chorus pertama di dunia, terlahir kembali dengan Waza Craft.
  • Small fresh sweet warm vibrato short video background music
    Vibrato kecil segar manis hangat musik latar belakang video pendek
  • This includes hammer-ons, pull offs, slides, bends, vibrato and so on.
    hammer-ons (pukul), pulls offs (melepaskan), slides (geser), bends, vibrato dan
  • There are three different voice vibrato processes that occur in different parts of the vocal tract.
    Ada tiga proses vibrato yang berbeda terjadi di saluran vokal.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4
    Kata benda
  • (music) a pulsating effect in an instrumental or vocal tone produced by slight and rapid variations in pitch