wander artinya
pengucapan: [ 'wɔndə ] audio:
- mengembara
- melayang-layang
- pengembaraan
- larat
- jalan-jalan
- jalan
- melanglang
- memutar
- berliku-liku
- melayapi
- menyeleweng
- kembara
- merumbu
- melimbang
- berenang
- menjelajahi
- mengudar
- mengapung
- berputar kayun
- keluyuran
- mengibuli
- merayau-rayau
- melabang
- menghalusi
- berbelok-belok
- umbara
- mengimbak-imbak
- menebar
- jalan keliling
- merewang
- mengambang
- berkelana
- meliliti
- berkisar
- terguling
- membuayai
- ronda-ronda
- terbabas
- labang
- berkelok-kelok
- melecun
- berkalih
- mengalun
- berlanglang
- menganggit
- terguling-guling
- memuntir
- menipu
- membuang
- bergelayangan
- melayang
- melantur
- berjalan
- merambang
- mendurhaka
- mengecewakan
- mengecor
- rayau
- memilin-milin
- menyimpang
- lepas
- melebun
- mengkhianati
- hanyut
- membelar
- menganyam
- membuaya
- bersiar-siar
- berjalan-jalan
- menebarkan
- mengentuti
- berangguk-angguk
- mengeluyur
- berkeliaran
- bertualang
- berbulang
- menggulung
- mendangkar
- beralun
- berlilit
- berkeluyuran
- mengelana
- wander about: berkeluyuran
- wander around: ronda; jalan; bertualang
- wander off: pergi kemana-mana
- wandel sea: laut wandel
- Other suns, longer-lived, wander out of the nursery.
matahari lainnya, lagi-hidup, mengembara keluar dari kamar bayi. - And you just happened to wander in here?
Dan kebetulan masuk kemari? Hidup memang hebat, kan? - Why don't you wander back past the memorial?
Mengapa kamu tidak keliling kembali lewat the memorial? - Cursed by God to wander the land forever.
Dikutuk oleh Tuhan untuk mengembara di tanah selamanya. - We wander around dreaming about London Dreams.
Kami berkeliaran bermimpi tentang London Dreams. Mimpi anak jalanan. - He says the kids wander around in there by themselves.
Katanya anak-anak berkeliaran di sana sendiri. - I-I used to wander, but now I have you.
Aku biasanya menjelajah, tetapi sekarang ada kau. - "L like to wander, but I am not wayward."
Aku suka berjalan-jalan, tapi aku benci peraturan - That's what I'll do if he should wander.
Itu yang aku lakukan jika dia berusaha kabur. - How are you allowed to wander around the castle?
Bagaimana bisa kau dibolehkan berkeliaran disekitar kastil?
- Kata kerja
- lose clarity or turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument in writing, thinking, or speaking; "She always digresses when telling a story"; "her mind wanders"; "Don''t digress when you give a lecture"
Sinonim: digress, stray, divagate, - move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment; "The gypsies roamed the woods"; "roving vagabonds"; "the wandering Jew"; "The cattle roam across the prairie"; "the laborers drift from one town to the next"; "They rolled from town to town"
Sinonim: roll, swan, stray, tramp, roam, cast, ramble, rove, range, drift, vagabond, - to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course; "the river winds through the hills"; "the path meanders through the vineyards"; "sometimes, the gout wanders through the entire body"
Sinonim: weave, wind, thread, meander, - go via an indirect route or at no set pace; "After dinner, we wandered into town"
- be sexually unfaithful to one''s partner in marriage; "She cheats on her husband"; "Might her husband be wandering?"
Sinonim: cheat on, cheat, cuckold, betray,