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x-ray artinya

contoh kalimat "x-ray"
  • X-ray diagram, he thought was comparable with the helix.
    Dia berpikir diagram sinar-X mirip dengan heliks.
  • Breaks down into four parts, undetectable by X-ray.
    Terpecah menjadi empat bagian, tidak terdeteksi oleh X-ray.
  • We could get an x-ray just to be safe.
    Kita bisa ambil sinar X untuk pastikan.
  • Aw, they're like early American X-ray specs.
    Ini seperti kaca mata sinar X Amerika jaman dulu.
  • Black Lion X-Ray, this is Black Lion Tango.
    X-Trait mendeteksi benda hitam. Disini Black Light Tango.
  • Yankee Zulu X-ray hold short, one five left.
    Yankee Zulu X-ray terus pendek, satu lima kiri.
  • So please prep the patient for the bitewing x-ray.
    Jadi silakan persiapan pasien untuk bitewing x-ray.
  • But before reached climax, he took my x-ray
    Tapi sebelum mencapai klimaks, ia mengambil x-ray Aku
  • X-Ray 7, I'm doing a final sweep of the ground.
    X-Ray 7, aku melakukan pemeriksaan akhir.
  • Your X-ray and motor response test results are clear.
    X-ray dan tes motorikmu sudah sangat jelas.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata kerja
  • take an x-ray of something or somebody; "The doctor x-rayed my chest"

  • examine by taking x-rays