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z artinya

kata benda plural: zs   
contoh kalimat "z"
  • "Subtil" like a scent, Dutrouz with a silent Z.
    "Subtil" seperti aroma, Dutrouz dengan diam "z."
  • You heard about the war hero named Z?
    Kau ndengar tentang pahlawan perang yang bernama Z?
  • Don't let me... Don't let me go, Z.
    Jangan biarkan aku, Jangan biarkan aku pergi, Z.
  • He's the alpha the omega, A to Z
    Dia alpha dia omega, dari A sampai Z
  • So, if z = 17, does x 2?
    Jadi, jika z = 17, apakah x 2?
  • I'm giving you zero, "Z" for "zero"!
    AKu memberimu nilai nol (zero). "Z" untuk zero (nol).
  • Evil Plan Z is way ahead of you, baby.
    Rencana jahat Z akan tetap berjalan, sayang.
  • A to Z on your Palm Pilot, man.
    A sampai Z pada Anda Palm Pilot, man.
  • I'm sure you've heard of Devil Z.
    Tentu kau pernah mendengar sebutan Z Iblis. [Akuma Z]
  • Bro didn't say anything, but that Z it killed someone.
    Tapi Z itu pernah menewaskan seseorang.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the 26th letter of the Roman alphabet; "the British call Z zed and the Scots call it ezed but Americans call it zee"; "he doesn''t know A from izzard"
    Sinonim: Z, zee, zed, ezed, izzard,