lakolit bahasa Inggris
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- It is often difficult to reconstruct shapes of intrusions.
Lakolit sering sekali sulit untuk direkonstruksi bentuk intrusinya. - There are many examples of possible laccoliths on the surface of the Moon.
Terdapat banyak contoh kemungkinan adanya lakolit di permukaan bulan. - Plutons include batholiths, stocks, dikes, sills, laccoliths, lopoliths, and other igneous formations.
Anggota pluton termasuk batolit, stok, dike, sill, Lakolit, lopolit, dan badan-badan igneous lainnya. - A laccolith is a sheet intrusion (or concordant pluton) that has been injected between two layers of sedimentary rock.
Lakolit adalah intrusi melembar (atau konkordan plutonik) yang tersuntikkan di antara dua lapisan batuan sedimen. - The small Barber Hill syenite-stock laccolith in Charlotte, Vermont, has several volcanic trachyte dikes associated with it.
Stok-syenit lakolit bukit barber di Charlotte, Vermont, Amerika Serikat memiliki beberapa dike trasit vulkanik yang berasosiasi dengan lakolit.