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lakolit bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "lakolit"
  • It is often difficult to reconstruct shapes of intrusions.
    Lakolit sering sekali sulit untuk direkonstruksi bentuk intrusinya.
  • There are many examples of possible laccoliths on the surface of the Moon.
    Terdapat banyak contoh kemungkinan adanya lakolit di permukaan bulan.
  • Plutons include batholiths, stocks, dikes, sills, laccoliths, lopoliths, and other igneous formations.
    Anggota pluton termasuk batolit, stok, dike, sill, Lakolit, lopolit, dan badan-badan igneous lainnya.
  • A laccolith is a sheet intrusion (or concordant pluton) that has been injected between two layers of sedimentary rock.
    Lakolit adalah intrusi melembar (atau konkordan plutonik) yang tersuntikkan di antara dua lapisan batuan sedimen.
  • The small Barber Hill syenite-stock laccolith in Charlotte, Vermont, has several volcanic trachyte dikes associated with it.
    Stok-syenit lakolit bukit barber di Charlotte, Vermont, Amerika Serikat memiliki beberapa dike trasit vulkanik yang berasosiasi dengan lakolit.
  • The small Barber Hill syenite-stock laccolith in Charlotte, Vermont, has several volcanic trachyte dikes associated with it.
    Stok-syenit lakolit bukit barber di Charlotte, Vermont, Amerika Serikat memiliki beberapa dike trasit vulkanik yang berasosiasi dengan lakolit.
  • For instance, Devils Tower in Wyoming was thought to be a volcanic neck, but study has suggested it may be an eroded laccolith.
    Misalnya, Devils Tower di Wyoming pernah dianggap leher vulkanik, tetapi penelitian selanjutnya telah mengungkapkan bahwa benda ini adalah lakolit yang terkikis.
  • At other localities, such as in the Henry Mountains and other isolated mountain ranges of the Colorado Plateau, some intrusions demonstrably have shapes of laccoliths.
    Di daerah lain, seperti di Pegunungan Henry dan pegunungan terisolasi lain dari Colorado Plateau, beberapa intrusi terbukti memiliki bentuk lakolit.
  • The pressure of the magma is high enough that the overlying strata are forced upward, giving the laccolith a dome or mushroom-like form with a generally planar base.
    Tekanan magma cukup tinggi sehingga menyebabkan strata atasnya dipaksa naik ke atas, menyebabkan lakolit menjadi berbentuk kubah atau bentuk mirip-jamur yang cenderung planar.
  • However, erosion has stripped away the overlying and surrounding rock, and so it is impossible to reconstruct the original shape of the igneous intrusion; that rock may not be the remnant of a laccolith.
    Namun, erosi telah melucuti bagian atas dan bagian sekitar batuan, sehingga tidak mungkin untuk merekonstruksi bentuk asli dari intrusi batuan beku; batuan tersebut mungkin juga bukan lakolit.
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