molossos bahasa Inggris
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- Molossus son of Neoptolemus and Andromache.
Molossos putra Neoptolemos dan Andromakhe. - According to Pausanias, Cestrinus was upset when Andromache's son Molossus succeeded Helenus to the throne of Epirus.
Menurut Pausanias, Cestrinus kesal ketika putra Andromakhe Molossos menggantikan Helenos ke takhta Epirus. - According to Greek mythology, the Molossians were the descendants of Molossus, one of the three sons of Neoptolemus, son of Achilles and Deidamia.
Menurut mitologi Yunani, suku Molossia adalah keturunan Molossos, satu dari ketiga putra Neoptolemos, putra Akhilles dan Deidamia. - Molossus had two brothers, Pielus and Pergamus (the latter named after the citadel of Troy), who were also sons of Neoptolemus and Andromache.
Molossos memiliki dua orang saudara, Pielus dan Pergamus (yang terakhir dinamai seperti benteng Troya), yang juga adalah putra-putra Neoptolemos dan Andromakhe. ^ Apollodorus. - With the enslaved Andromache, Neoptolemos was the father of Molossos and through him, according to the myth, an ancestor of Olympias, the mother of Alexander the Great.
Dengan Andromakhe yang diperbudak , Neoptolemos adalah ayahanda Molossos dan melalui dia, menurut mitos, nenek moyang Olimpias, ibunda Aleksander Agung.