
contoh kalimat 117

"117" terjemahan Inggris  "117" terjemahan Cina  


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  1. Gsa 117,northeast three,descend pilot's discretion,direct jfk.
    GSA 117, timur laut 3, pilot menurunkan ketinggian, menuju JFK.
  2. 117, he was at the height of dangerous levels.
    117, kau ada di ketinggian yang berbahaya.
  3. This derailment killed 2 passengers and injured 117.
    Penggelinciran ini menewaskan 2 penumpang dan melukai 117.
  4. Victim 117, Yu Fook Law, Monoceros Universe.
    Korban 117, Yu Fook Law, Alam Semesta Monoceros.
  5. Mr. Paulson,I've lost comm with gsa 117.
    Tuan Paulson, aku kehilangan komunikasi dengan GSA 117.

Kata lain

  1. contoh kalimat "117"
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  8. contoh kalimat "eutelsat 117 west a"
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  10. contoh kalimat "klimov tv3-117"
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