
contoh kalimat climate

"climate" terjemahan Indonesia  


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  1. To climate change that would be like Kyoto.
    Bagi perubahan iklim, solusi ini akan seperti Kyoto.
  2. There's all kinds of natural causes of climate change.
    Ada bermacam-macam penyebab alam dari perubahan iklim.
  3. I hear that the climate is difficult to live in.
    Aku dengar iklim disana tak bersahabat.
  4. It's the climate that does it. That, and the infernal distances.
    Adalah cuaca yang menyebabkan itu.
  5. My workers are used to an extremely hot climate.
    Pekerjaku terbiasa pada iklim yang sangat panas.

Kata lain

  1. contoh kalimat "climate"
  2. contoh kalimat "alpine climate"
  3. contoh kalimat "climate change"
  4. contoh kalimat "climate classification"
  5. contoh kalimat "climate justice"
  6. contoh kalimat "climate of indonesia"
  7. contoh kalimat "climate oscillation"
  8. contoh kalimat "climate risk"
  9. contoh kalimat "climate system"
  10. contoh kalimat "cold climate"
  11. contoh kalimat "continental climate"
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