
contoh kalimat fluorite

"fluorite" terjemahan Indonesia  


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  1. Fluorite also gave the name to its constitutive element fluorine.
    Fluorite juga memberikan nama untuk fluor unsur konstitutif.
  2. Aquarius Dégel fluorite Fraille Garnet Koh-i Nur Tourmaline
    Aquarius Aurora Pelaksanaan Dégel Diamond Debu Ray fluorite Garnet Krest
  3. Waiting for rain hydrangea ring ? resin hydrangea hydrangea fluorite stone Pebble
    Menunggu hujan hydrangea cincin ? resin hydrangea hydrangea fluorite batu kerikil
  4. Fluorite (also called fluorspar) is the mineral form of calcium fluoride, CaF2.
    Fluorit ( juga disebut fluor- tiang kapal) adalah suatu mineral yang terdiri atas kalsium fluoride, CaF2.
  5. Tin, rubber, natural gas, tungsten, tantalum, timber, lead, fish, gypsum, lignite, fluorite, arable land.
    Timah, karet, gas alam, tungsten, tantalum, kayu, timah, ikan, gypsum, lignit, fluorit, tanah yang subur.

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  1. contoh kalimat "fluorite"
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