contoh kalimat non
- Lebih banyak contoh: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- This is an event for which you were prepared, non?
Kau kemari sesuai dengan rencanamu, kan? - Non. There is no need to dispatch your men, Colonel.
Tak perlu memberi tahu orangmu, Kolonel. - I believe non of them wanted to be a shaman.
Aku akan memaafkan, aku akan cari. - [EDITH PIAF'S "NON, JE NE REGRETTE RIEN" PLAYING]
[Edith Piaf'S "NON, JE NE regrette rien" Dimainkan] - To the non interference of the joint intelligence committee.
Untuk gangguan non komite intelijen gabungan .