
contoh kalimat outbox

"outbox" terjemahan Indonesia  


    Lebih banyak contoh:   1  2  3

  1. We're going to outbox Mamby, huh?
    Kita akan menyudutkan Mamby, kan?
  2. I got an e-mail in my outbox with a copy of that contract.
    Kopian dari kontrak itu sudah aku taruh di outbox emailku.
  3. It's in my outbox.
    Masih ada di outbox-ku.
  4. CMYK printed outbox ,white color foam inside ,custom logo and embossing .One bottle packing box .MOQ 1000 pcs .
    embossing logo perak percetakan matt laminasi kosmetik kotak kertas
  5. E-mail messages in your Inbox, Outbox, Sent, Deleted, Drafts, Junk and user-created folders;
    Pesan e-mail di kotak masuk Anda, Kotak keluar, Dikirim, Dihapus, Konsep, Sampah dan folder diciptakan pengguna;

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  1. contoh kalimat "outbox"
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